Macleod Road, Mangasanja, Zomba

+265(0) 888208664

Disaster Risk Reduction
By implementing these emergency response interventions, Emmanuel International Malawi aims to save lives, alleviate suffering, and support the recovery and resilience of communities affected by disasters and crises in Malawi.
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Through various education-focused interventions, Emmanuel International Malawi aims to contribute to the overall improvement of the education sector in Malawi, empower individuals with knowledge and skills, and facilitate socio-economic development and poverty reduction in dolor
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Water & Sanitation
Emmanuel International Malawi aims to improve public health, enhance quality of life, and contribute to the sustainable development of communities in Malawi by ensuring access to safe water and adequate sanitation facilities for all
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Health & Nutrition
Emmanuel International Malawi aims to reduce morbidity and mortality rates, improve health outcomes, and contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of communities in Malawi
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Economic Empowerment
aiming to reduce poverty, enhance economic resilience, and empower individuals and communities to improve their livelihoods, achieve self-reliance, and contribute to sustainable development in Malawi, Emmanuel International Malawi has deployed various economic empowerment interventions
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Leadership Training & Capacity Building
By investing in leadership training and capacity building, Emmanuel International Malawi seeks to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to drive positive change, mobilize resources, and effectively address the development challenges facing communities in Malawi
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Agriculture & Food Security
Emmanuel International Malawi plays a significant role in addressing agriculture and food security challenges in the country through various interventions aiming to improve food availability, access, and utilization for vulnerable communities, enhance agricultural productivity and resilience, and contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development in Malawi.
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Gender & Child Protection
In addressing gender and child protection, Emmanuel International Malawi implements various programs and initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality, protecting the rights of children, and preventing gender-based violence
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We are a Christian NGO

We are a part of the broader Emmanuel International network, which operates in several countries around the world.


Our mission is to empower communities to break the cycle of poverty through various sustainable development initiatives. These initiatives typically encompass areas such as agriculture, water and sanitation, education, health and nutrition,gender and child protection, disaster risk reduction and economic empowerment.

Where We Work

We collaborate with local churches, communities, Government and other organizations to implement programs for the needs of rural and communities throughout Malawi.

Emmanuel International Malawi strives to make a meaningful and sustainable impact on the lives of people in Malawi, particularly those living in poverty or vulnerable circumstances. Through our holistic approach to development, we aim to empower communities to create positive change and improve their quality of life.

Impacted Households

Transforming Lives for now and for eternity

Our Exisitence In Malawi
since 2024

One of our key focuses is on agricultural development. We work with local farmers to improve farming techniques, promote sustainable agricultural practices, and increase food security. This often involves providing training, agricultural inputs, and access to markets

In addition to agricultural development, We also place a strong emphasis on water and sanitation projects. We help communities gain access to clean water sources by constructing wells, boreholes, and water distribution systems. We also promote hygiene education to improve sanitation practices and prevent waterborne diseases

Education and Health and Nutrition are also important components of Emmanuel International Malawi’s work. We support schools by providing resources, infrastructure improvements, and teacher training. Additionally, we may facilitate healthcare services, such as medical clinics or mobile health outreach programs, to improve access to healthcare in rural areas