Macleod Road, Mangasanja, Zomba

+265(0) 888208664

Capacity Building & Leadership Training

We conduct capacity building and leadership trainings as part of Our comprehensive approach to community development.

capacity building and leadership training programs

These efforts are aimed at empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their development initiatives and ensure sustainable progress

communities to be self-reliant & enhance local governance

Here are some of the areas we focus on under the Capacity Building and Leadership Training sector as one of our Thematic areas

Community Leadership Training

We train community leaders, including village chiefs, local council members, and other influential figures in leadership skills, effective communication, conflict resolution, and community mobilization.

Women’s Leadership Empowerment

Emmanuel International Malawi supports women’s leadership initiatives to promote gender equality and empower women to take active roles in community development

Health and Nutrition Leadership

EI Malawi offers training for health workers, community health volunteers, and nutrition coordinators focusing on leadership in health and nutrition programs, community health education, and managing health initiatives.

Educational Leadership

We offer trainings for school administrators, teachers, and school management committees to enhance their leadership skills to improve the overall management and quality of education in schools.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

We engage with community leaders and local activists on advocacy techniques and strategies to influence policy and bring about positive changes at the local and national levels.

Youth Leadership Programs

we implement leadership development programs specifically targeted at young people to equip youth with the skills and confidence needed to take on leadership roles within their communities

Peek Into Our Leadersip Training & Capacity Building Interventions

Leadership 1
Leadership 2